Friday, June 22, 2007

Health is Wealth!!

By Sanguine, we mean healthy also...but all these days I never spoke about it, though it was a highest concern in life.
Ok, let me start from the beginning.....we first come to this earth....right from the time we take place here the one and only thing that keeps us going is drink...but I am not talking about water right now.....guesses!! yes you are right .... it's MILK.

The story of Milk goes like this : Animal milk is first known to have been used as human food at the beginning of animal domestication. Cow's milk was first used as human food in the Middle East. Goats and sheep were domesticated in the Middle East between 9000 and 8000 BC. Goats and sheep are ruminants: mammals adapted to survive on a diet of dry grass, a food source otherwise useless to humans, and one that is easily stockpiled. The animals were probably first kept for meat and hides, but dairying proved to be a more efficient way of turning uncultivated grasslands into sustenance: the food value of an animal killed for meat can be matched by perhaps one year's worth of milk from the same animal, which will keep producing milk — in convenient daily portions — for years.

Many people are of the notion that it is meant only for babies/kids….that’s wrong…people of all ages require it, but in different quantities.

Recipe for healthy bones

Milk and nuts are vital sources of Vitamin D and Calcium which are essential for bone health.Intake of calcium, vitamin D, and regular physical activity helps in maintaining strong bones . Milk prevents disease in which the bones become fragile and break easily.Milk helps in functioning of heart and nerves.

Calcium required by you each day !
Starting around age nine, young people need almost twice as much calcium as younger kids.

Calcium Needs by Age:

Birth - 6 Months : 210 mg

6 to 12 Months : 270 mg

1 to 3 Years : 500 mg

4 to 8 Years : 800 mg

9 to 18 Years : 1,300 mg

19-50 years : 1,000 mg

Adult 51 years and more : 1,300 mg

Milk can be substituted with other milk products like butter milk, curds, paneer(home cheese) .Prefer toned or semi-toned or skimmed milk to full cream milk .

Remember, excess of tea and coffee impedes calcium absorption into the body. Don't include the milk in the tea and coffee to calculate your calcium intake. Restrict the intake of tea and coffee to enhance bone health.

Ok, enough, too much of advise ;-) I shall catch you later!!!