Friday, February 4, 2011

Did you ever remember them?

Ever since I wrote my last blog on "To my beloved Women at work", I have never written anything else. Therefore I have made up my mind to write further. If not it means that I myself have not followed what I wrote!

Ever since I had a child life has changed in its own way - my brain was being utilized more at home than at my office (inspite of the fact that I work in an IT company and spend most of the time in a day at office). Over the years I have learnt 2 big things - to take life as it comes, to be mentally and physically prepared to encounter all challenges. Because life after a marriage has not only the joy of getting married, but much more - a new family and responsibilities for ONE. And for a working woman it is even more - not to hear unpleasing comments from the boss as well from the family members - satisfying the people at both home and work - striving to become a super woman and finally the entity called ME and FRIENDS.

When people slowly get into the responsibilities of life, we try to prioritize various things in life: work, home, family, spouse, children, parents, in-laws and after this big list there is no space to accomodate the one 'Me'. Once there is space for 'me' then friends come into picture. Doesn't that word sound strange - we totally forget the friends that we made in school and college, those who helped us with the notes, who spent sleepless nights in the hostel when we were sick, those who sat with us the whole night when I had the interview next day, when we felt home-sick often staying at hostel. I feel we should spend atleast one day in a year to say a 'hi' gesture, atleast one small mail as a gesture of thanks or 'you were my friend once upon a time' or atleast that 'I'm there'! Come on - this is not the olden days where you say 'I lost his address', communications and information technology have gone a long way. You need not attend his wedding in a remote place about 1000 miles away from yours.

So after this blog first thing I do is send a mail to all my friends with a 'hi' note. Not only that I am going to revisit my college album and recollect the names with the faces :)

Next thing is to practically follow the steps to achieve physical and mental strength! For more watch out for my next blog (hopefully I write it soon).